Friday, November 7, 2008

Flight Log

5:00am (London time) – Security and baggage through Vancouver is a breeze. The waiting lobby is gorgeous. Things have changed a bit on the plane since I last flew on an international flight, four (?) years ago. Every seat has its own screen (even in economy class!!!) so you can pick your own movies, listen to “up-and-coming” Canadian bands as well as the mainstream, and view flight statistics all the time, which is exactly what the very sweet old Dutch (?) gentleman is doing. (He is however, drinking a lot of wine. We’ll see how that progresses.) Pretty sure every single woman on the plane who is under 75 is watching the Mamma Mia! film. From what I can see (peeking across the aisle) it looks like a movie about silly girls fretting over really stupid looking guys, with conveniently big muscles. Old-wine-drinking-Dutch-guy’s screen informs me that we are somewhere over Hudson Bay, just east of Churchill. I should also mention that I just completed an intriguing roast beef meal. The beef was edible, the cucumber salad was surprisingly good, but we won’t mention the green beans. Also I have discovered that on a plane, tea=colored water.

Somewhere south of Greenland – A million different sitting positions later, and sleep is officially out of the question. So while I am awake, its time to review some films. “Hancock” started out completely lame, got slightly better, and then ruined it all with a typical Hollywood ending. It had potential. “The Incredible Hulk”, however, was well, incredible. Crazy CGI, insane fights, a good dose of humor throughout, and no mutant poodles.

13:17 (London time) – I’m sitting in the waiting area in Heathrow Airport which is actually a massive mall that features (oh horror of horrors) Christmas décor! Lovely wreathes and trees and lights and stars. I’m sipping a mocha which is alright, but I have this feeling that I could have made it better (does that make me a snob?) The atmosphere in this airport is surprisingly pleasant. All the staff are super cheery, and even going through security you get a smile instead of an intimidating glare.

I need to wait another half an hour before the mysterious location of my boarding gate is revealed. How thrilling. This traveling just feels like stepping through various series of doors, with the space between cities barely registering.

21:31 (Brussels time) I’m sitting in the Cathy’s dining room, feeling refreshed after a shower, a cup of tea, and a hearty meal. The Cathy’s are friends of friends with massive hearts. They’re leaving tomorrow for a few days, but they are totally cool with me staying in their home while they are gone. Talk about the family of Christ. I think I’ll just wander around tomorrow with my camera and see what happens. Expect photos.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those little things that make travel interesting. I'm eagerly anticipating the photos! (By the way, your brother is currently pulling apart you bed...)

thomassanz said...

yup, your bed currently resides in the hallway in several pieces before it finds its final resting place in the crawlspace. I've moved my bed parallel to the window - room looks totally different. I will send you pictures.

Alpha Davies said...

yes. you are a snob. and are you KIDDING ME!? THE POODLES WERE THE ONLY GOOD PART IN THAT MOVIE!!!!!
Brussels is great, i hope you enjoyed it!